Kids like simple balloons

May 16th, 2011

It seems that most balloon twisters start by learning the basic dog balloon and then move on to bigger and “better” balloons. I think it is good to learn how to make a variety of balloons and to have options from something simple to something a little fancier.

I have kids ask me all of the time, “What is the most difficult thing you can make?” That is a hard question to answer. The truth is that unless they are the only person there and I have all of the time needed, I wouldn’t consider making it. Yesterday, when faced with that question, I pulled out two balloons, twisted them together and added a head to make an alien hat (two lime green 260s and a green alien head) for a young boy. I upgraded the design by using a clear round balloon around the alien head and he was simply amazed.

Turtle, bee and ladybug balloon bracelets

While it might be fun to make big and fancy balloons. I find that three of the simpliest balloons I learned how to make are still very popular when offered. They are the tiny bracelets made to look like a turtle, bee, or ladybug. (Each is made by inflating about 5 inches of a 260 balloon and twisting a series of bubbles for the head and legs and using the rest of the balloon for the body.) After learning these, friends showed me how to make fancier versions, but those versions cannot be worn as a bracelet. I have been at events were kids start collecting the balloons and keep coming back for just one more. Eventually, they start wanting blue turtles or purple ladybugs so they have something their friends don’t.

While I know that there are fancier versions of the turtle or ladybug that can be made using 3-4 balloons, I am sure I will continue to make the simple versions by the dozen.

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