Christmas Holiday Jokes

December 19th, 2011
Sir Toony Van Dukes

Sir Toony Van Dukes at the North Pole for a charity event

Q. Why is it so cold at Christmas?
A. Because it’s in Decembrrrr!

Q. What do snowmen wear on their heads?
A. Ice caps.

Q. What do you call a party for snowmen?
A. A Snowball!

Q. Where does a snowman keep his money?
A. In a snow bank.

Q. What do you sing at a snowman’s birthday party?
A. Freeze a jolly good fellow!

Q. What’s the best thing to give your parents for Christmas?
A. A list of everything you want!

Q. Why does Santa have 3 gardens?
A. So he can ho-ho-ho.

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